It’s January 2017, the same weekend as the Women’s March protest and the weekend after Donald Trump is sworn into office as president of the USA. The Global Game Jam begins, and this year the theme is “waves.” Me and two other collaborators (Matt Jackson and Rachel Franco) create a game in the spirit of both making waves and finding peace in a dissonant world, called Harmony. The game is about getting in sync with the rhythm of the world around you and obtaining peace in the process.

In the game, music plays and two colorful waves sweep across the screen. The player taps the screen at a certain frequency in order to synchronize the two waves. If one desynchronizes, the music shifts off key and the screen desaturates. In order to keep the audio in tune and last as long as possible before the world discolors, players must relax, open their minds, eyes, ears, and find harmony.

Harmony is available for macOS, Windows, Linux, and Android via the download link below, or refer to the Global Game Jam entry at the Tucson Game Developers jam site.